Timetables for B.Tech/B.Pharm and B.Tech Minor Degree IV-Year I-Sem Regular/Supply Exams Dec-2023/Jan-2024

Timetables for B.Tech/B.Pharm and B.Tech Minor Degree IV-Year I-Sem Regular/Supply Exams Dec-2023/Jan-2024


Any Omissions Or Clashes In This Time Table May Please Be Informed To The Controller Of Examinations Immediately.

Even If Government Declares Holiday On Any Of The Above Dates, The Examinations Shall Be Conducted As Usual.

Readmitted Students Have To Appear For The Substitute Subject(S) [Which Is/Are Not Shown In The Time-Table] In Place Of The Subject(S) Already Passed. For Details Of Substitute Subjects Refer The Communications Received From The Director Of Academic & Planning 


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