JNTUH Summer Vacation Update...

JNTUH Summer Vacation Update...


Hi everyone, In this post we are going to discuss about summer vacation of Jntuh. As per our knowledge / Confirmation there would be no Summer vacation for students . It doesn't matter which year or which course you belong to but there will be no summer Holidays. Jntuh has left the issue to colleges itself. If respective colleges think that holiday is necessary then some college students might get it but otherwise there will be a regular college going on.

Why this decision?

As per the academic calendar some students like second year or First year have summer holidays starting from 09/05/2022. But this made some students furious and university thought it is not good to take bias decision. Hence, to neutralize this thing the University actually left it to colleges to take the call on Summer vacations. Most of the colleges are in favour of not giving any holidays to students and continue the academics . 

This is really sad to hear but yes this time the decision is weird . As the temperature outside is raising and students need a break we wish colleges would be kind on students and give holidays may be for some days. So please don't be confused or tensed regarding the holidays . You will get a message or something from your college on 07/05/2022. 

We Actually wanted to make an explanation video but it is getting tough to make video. Hope you guys Understand. Request followers to please subscribe to our YouTube channel for more helpful videos . YouTube we have uploaded several good content video please do Encourage by subscribing. 

We wish students all the best and Hope you will get summer Vacations.


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